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0.7 ~ 24V adjustable current-limiting power supply

时间:2010-9-21 22:08:04 来源:互联网 作者:不详 编辑: 【关闭


0.7~24V连续可调限流电源,0.7 ~ 24V continuously adjustable current-limiting power supply
google translate:
0.7 ~ 24V continuously adjustable current limiting power supply
    The circuit diagram can be achieved output voltage 0.7 ~ 24V continuously adjustable, and can be adjusted to achieve 50mA ~ 2A maximum output current limit.
    P1 is used to set the maximum output current limit, you can adjust the output voltage in the corresponding given 50mA ~ 2A current limit. P1 to set the maximum output current limit of the principle is as follows: As can be seen from the diagram, mainly from the Q4 output current emitter, so that when the output current increases, the circuit in a, b points, also followed the voltage between the increase Then, a point (that is Q3 of e pole) and Q3 of the b pole voltage between the increase and Q3 of the e, b can not exceed the voltage between 0.7V, when the Q3 of e, b the voltage between electrodes increased time, Q3 e-flow to the most would be diverted away most of the current Q4 of b, so that the limits a, b point between voltage increases, the maximum output current limit in order to achieve the purpose.
    P2 used as the output voltage regulation. When the output voltage increases, Q1 of the e, b the voltage between electrodes is also increased, leading to the Q2 Q1 flow diversion away the b-polar current, Q2 conduction current decreases, not difficult to see Q4 current will also decrease so that the output voltage drops. When output voltage decreases, the principle of similar.
    P2 suggested logarithmic potentiometers, so the output voltage is adjustable and linear will be better.
    Power transformer output voltage and capacity you need should be based on the output voltage and current to constituency. The best option is: Transformer secondary voltage 36,40,48 V or with intermediate tap 50,75,80 V, capacity of 100VA.
    Capacitor C1 can be 2200 ~ 6800uF/35 ~ 50V to choose between.
    Circuit, BC182 transistor for the 50V/100mA/NPN, BD139 to 80V/1.5A/NPN transistor, BC212 to 50v/100mA/PNP transistor, 2N3055 transistor to 60V/15A/NPN. Q4 must use the radiator, while it can use TIP3055 replace.

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